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Designing a high converting WooCommerce Sales Page

In the latest Optimisation Report, it was clear that there was a lot of drop offs when going from Product to Cart. Almost 90% of visits were dropping off (according to Google Analytics).

In this post, I’ll put together a plan for how a high converting WooCommerce Sales Page looks like for digital products.

See that image above? That’s the new design I’ll be working into the single product pages for the Epic Themes website.  I’ve numbered each section. The final section I’ll go into more detail below too.

1. Product Title + Meta

In the first area, this is where the Product Title and Meta will be displayed. By meta I mean the Price and the Short Description.

The short description will be punchy and explain just what the theme is

2. Product Featured Image

This will be where the current Theme’s Featured image is displayed. Showing what the theme will look like when activated.

3. Pricing Options

This will cover the 3 Tier’s of pricing for the theme. I’ve simplified pricing in the past, however still get questions about Developer License or Multi Site licenses. Having the following pricing will clarify this for users

  • Standard Package: Single site license, support offered etc. One year of updates + support.
  • Plus Package: Multi site license, support offered etc. One year of updates + support.
  • Ultimate Package: Multi site license, support offered etc. Lifetime updates + support.

The underlying products will remain the same. Having the pricing table will help determine

4. Product Sales Content

This is where the ‘WYSIWYG’ part of the product fits in. This will be different for each product but will be longer than current and include the following key parts of detail

Larger Theme Screenshot

Showing the theme from a different view to the featured image.

Benefits and Features

This will be a section specific to the theme, covering exactly what it’s benefits are (easy to use, easy to customise) as well as some of the key features (daily or weekly rankings, podcast support, etc)

Case Studies / Testimonials

This will cover what people are saying about the Theme. Giving Social Proof about the theme.


Any Questions which are frequently asked about the theme. This will give people additional comfort prior to purchasing the theme.

Guarantees, Support, Payment Options

Covering the final barrier to purchase. What if the theme isn’t as expected or demonstrated. How does support work? and how can I pay for the theme.


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