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How To Have A Consultancy Website that is a bit different

Are you a consultant searching for a WordPress theme that will help you stand out? WordPress themes for consultants can be hard to tell apart and the last thing you want is a cookie cutter website.

Instead, try thinking about your website completely differently. Rather than being effectively an advertisement for you and your services you can build your authority, reputation and prove your abilities. Your website could be a trusted resources for your prospects – leading more of them to become clients.

Building a community and a business

GrowthHackers is a hugely popular site in the growth hacking community. Maybe that has nothing to do with your industry, but their model is completely applicable to any niche. GrowthHackers have made their community a massive draw and put it at the centre of their business.

This community is mostly self sustaining once it gets to a certain size. User submissions and user generated content power it.

In return, you are the host and enjoy the prestige of that and an automatic amount of authority. You get to roll up your sleeves and help out with your prospect’s issues and prove your abilities. You also get the inside track on all the pain points, struggles and difficulties your prospects are suffering. That is a goldmine and amazing market research – happening right on your own site.

With this insight you can create services and products practically tailor made to the biggest issues your prospective clients are facing.

Along with the community aspect the Growth Hackers site offers software, training courses, conferences, consulting, and an ebook. They might not be mining their community for ideas and direction… but you should.

Here’s the best bit: you can have your own Growth Hackers style community website with WordPress. Yes, with the exact same platform so many other same-same consultant websites are already on. All you need is the right tools and the right WordPress themes for consultants.

The best WordPress themes for consultants

Our top pick is the Growth Hackers style Epic Hackers theme.

No coding required, this is a WordPress theme that works great straight out the box. But it’s a completely different way of running a WordPress website, one that looks nothing like a blog, but is still so simple and easy to use.

What does Epic Hackers give your site? Users can create an account – giving you an email list right there – and then post links or questions, get involved in discussions, vote on content, review trending posts and receive notifications with the added NotifyMe plugin. You can add videos and set up AMAs – a popular Ask Me anything format to interview guests. All the features you need to build a real, bustling community.

Does leveraging the power of user generated content sound great, but also a bit overwhelming and scary? You retain complete control of your website by restricting access, setting posting rules, limiting accounts and other security features.

What other WordPress themes for consultants can give you a completely original site? BuddyPress is a plugin that turns WordPress into a social networking site. Or bbPress, that gives you a forum for your site. Great a great theme that is compatible with BuddyPress or bbPress and you’ve got yourself a stand-out site.

This really can work for any niche, business or industry. These kinds of websites – with user generated content, submissions, networking – are some of the most popular on the internet. And they represent an amazing opportunity.

Some other top tips for a completely original consultant website

Don’t be afraid to give too much away. The more detail you can show in your processes, how you work and so on, will build trust and show your skills.

You might worry you are cannibalising your sales with free content. But if a prospect tries something you gave away for free, and it works, they are going to come back for more. Plus, people like to have hands-on support with these things and might appreciate the theory but still hire you for implementation.

Even if you have a blog on your site that you are updating regularly the bulk of your site can still seem flat and static. But you can boost engagement with polls and quizzes, and even use them for qualifying leads.

You can still have a blog, services pages and everything you already have on your site if you use the ideas above on WordPress themes for consultants and put together a powerful community site. But now you have the credibility and authority of this amazing resource behind you. There’s a strong element of social proof there that can’t be denied.

It takes some hard work in the initial stages to build momentum on your site. You will need to be active in recruiting members and taking part in discussions while the community is small. But you know the importance of investing in your budding community and resource. Soon it will build momentum with a critical mass of users that means it will become more self sustaining.

So there we go, the WordPress theme for consultants that gives you a completely original website to build a community and a thriving business around.

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